Every New Year's Eve, cops across the country set DUI checkpoints at random places. One dude in Florida is so not down with that, that he came up with plan to drive through without any verbal communication with the cops.

As you can see in the video (above), he makes a flier with his driver's license, insurance and registration, then attaches it outside of his car. When he gets to the checkpoint, he doesn't even roll down his window to talk to the cops. They basically check his info, and motion for him to keep on moving.

I guess if that's legal and all, it's a pretty slick way for a sober person to get through a DUI checkpoint without being hassled. Of course, on the other side of that, it's a way for some drunk person to get through it as well.

So, even though I see where this dude is coming from, I think toying with the cops is kinda stupid. Of course, if you're drunk, you shouldn't be driving anyways. Just my opinion.

Should people be trying to "beat the system" like this? Or, do you think we have a right to do this?

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