We've got a great new way for you to listen to 1280 KSLI online and check out what songs we're playing on the radio right now.

Hit the Listen Live button on the right side of this page to open our new streaming player - where you can listen to us online, read more about the songs and artists you're hearing, and look back at what we've played. You can also buy songs on Amazon or iTunes.

Heard a song on the radio and can't figure out who sang it? Our other new feature is a playlist page that always updates to show you the last 50 songs we've played.

To view tracks that have played while you were looking at the page, just refresh to update the list.

We believe in giving you the ultimate experience in listening, so we've added 1280 KSLI to radioPup. That's our free app and you can install it on your iOS or Android device today.

Happy listening!

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